KD4KiDs is an interactive learning-to-read e-book series that teaches your child essential reading skills. Just as children are not ready to ride a bike without well-developed motor skills, the ability to move their eyes accurately and use both eyes together for reading must also be developed and learned. KD4KiDs includes eye movement training exercises and educational activities that can be performed by early readers to develop proficient reading performance.

- Unlimited access to interactive children’s stories
- Record your own voice to read to your child anytime
- Children learn essential reading skills with games
- Adjust skill levels as your child advances

Why KD4KiDs?
Children listen along to their favorite stories, participate in activities and learn interesting facts while the story is told. There are fun, educational activities that review important foundational concepts including color and shape identification, size differentiation, and counting. Record the stories in your own voice for a personalized touch.
Effective visual activities, like KD4KiDs Reading Acceleration, help children develop efficient reading-related eye movements early on. This new approach when learning to read, by practicing the physical act of reading, has been shown to significantly improve reading performance in early grade school students. The KD4KiDs Reading Acceleration series include a number of engaging and interactive story lines integrating left-to-right rapid number naming (RNN), rapid object naming (RON), rapid color naming (RCN), and rapid picture naming (RPN) exercises for children.
With practice, your child can develop superior eye tracking ability, which is a fine motor skill that can be learned and improved, so your child is ready to read. Begin developing reading excellence for your child early on!